
TechFlex temperature adjustment guide:

The installation methodology is the same as any methodology of installing Translfex.  Therefore, it will often be necessary to pre-compress or pre-extend the Techflex joint to pre-set the joint unit to suit the relative position of the structural expansion joint in the bridge deck.  At the time of installation therefore knowing the mean deck temperature range and the movement to be accommodated, the amount of pre-compression or pre-extension can be taken off a graph prepared in the manner of the example illustrated.

a. Maximum compression 274 – 25 = 249mm
b. Compressed width for installation 254mm
c. Actual module width 274mm
d. Maximum extension 274 + 25 = 299mm

Site installation – for concrete decks:
A flat and level monolithic haunch or recess should be formed in the structural deck to accommodate the TechFlex joint and the transition strips.  At the design stage care should be taken to locate the reinforcement avoiding the position of the bridge joint anchor studs.  In the interest of achieving a smooth traffic ride over the joint, the wearing course should be machine laid continuously over the structural joint and subsequently removed just prior to installing the bridge joint. 

The removal of the surfacing over the joint in the deck is facilitated by the location of the plywood bond breaker of a width just under the combined width of the joint and the transition strips prior to the surfacing being laid. At the time of installation dependent upon mean deck temperature it may be necessary to pre-compress or pre-extend the TechFlex joint unit to suit the relative position of the structural expansion joint in the bridge deck.

Once the TechFlex module installation width and the new bolt hole centers have been determined the joint module can be adjusted in width accordingly

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