Application & Innovation


To improve the compression seal, D.S. TechStar, developed a new type of seal which eliminated many disadvantages of the compression seal. The W-Seal utilizes a classical “arch” shape. The design of the W Seal is less complex; therefore, the seal can be extruded and cured properly. Unlike the compression seal, the W-Seal will not tend to harden over time. TechStar’s single component adhesive remains bonded and can pull the seal open. The bond does not degenerate with age as compression seal adhesives tend to do. After more than ten years service on Florida’s Interstate 95, the first installation of the W-Seal is still bonded and remains watertight. The arch configuration also assists in expelling debris from the joint, and the joint looks extremely clean for this length of service.


  • Parking Garages
  • Small Bridges
  • Concrete Pavements
  • Expansion Joints where Strip Seal might be considered